Thursday, December 28, 2006

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Most Of Us Would Benefit From Better Eating Habits

If we eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and ensure we get adequate rest our body is better able to cope with stress whenever it occurs.

Most of us have very busy lifestyles and it's all too easy to fall into unhealthy and erratic eating habits. Skipping breakfast, eating lunch on the run and having takeaways or ready meals for dinner are all too common. Eating unhealthy meals and eating irregularly may save us time when we're busy, but it actually makes us less able to deal with the pressures of our hectic lives and exacerbates stress and stress related health problems.

We should all make the effort to eat something for breakfast, and to try to eat more healthily generally, including more fresh fruit and vegetables. Taking the time to eat proper meals and taking a break from our work and other pressures will definitely help to lower our stress levels.

To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

"For fast-acting relief, try slowing down." - Lily Tomlin

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