Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: What You Eat Affects Your Energy Levels

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: What You Eat Affects Your Energy Levels

What we eat has a big impact on how much energy we have. Digestion takes up huge amounts of physical energy. Eating a healthier diet, particularly more lighter foods and more fruit, vegetables and whole grain products will give you more energy, as you'll need much less energy for digestion.

You'll also feel much better overall by cutting down on red meat and foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt. Limiting alcohol intake will also help. This doesn't mean that you should totally avoid everything you like eating or drinking, but if you eat less heavier foods you'll not only have more energy, but you'll appreciate them more when you do eat them.

To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

'Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.' – Ovid

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