Thursday, May 10, 2007

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Small Changes Can Make A Big Difference

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Small Changes Can Make A Big Difference

There's an ever increasing number of people shunning newspapers and TV news due to it being so depressing. It's often been said that no news is good news. Let's face it, how much of the news that is printed or broadcast is negative? Sadly, most of it. It's difficult to remain positive in such an onslaught of negativity, so more and more people aren't bothering. Sure, we do need to stay informed, but surely we'd all be more positive and have more energy if we started each day reading or watching something inspirational rather then something depressing?

Having enough energy to meet the demands of our busy lives can sometimes be tough. However, small changes can make a big difference. A bit more physical activity and thinking about your diet will definitely help, so will trying to be more calm and less emotional. Avoiding negative people and influences and being more positive and optimistic generally will not only increase your energy, improve your health and reduce stress, but you'll also enjoy life much more.

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

'There is no market for gloom. You cannot sell it. What the world wants, needs, and will buy is cheer.' - Unknown

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