Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Work Out What You Really Want

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Work Out What You Really Want

Many people spend more time planning their vacations than they ever spend planning their lives. We should all take the time to work out what we most want our lives to be like, then set goals, make plans and take action.

When you do this, it makes no difference where you are now or what happened in the past. You'll have direction and be looking optimistically forward and moving towards your future.

When you look back on your life, you're much more likely to regret the things you didn't do rather than the things you did. This is your life, not a dress rehearsal and time passes quickly. You owe it to yourself to make sure your life is every bit as great as it can be.

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

“No matter how carefully you plan your goals, they will never be more than pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto.” – W Clement Stone

You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Overcome Fear of Failure

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Overcome Fear of Failure

The biggest thing that stops people from taking risks or even trying anything new is fear of failure. Some people are paralysed by the thought of rejection and terrified of hearing the word 'no'. Comfort zones can be very hard places to escape from. Risk taking requires moving out of your comfort zone and there are no guarantees of success.

However, there is almost no chance of growth or success without risk.
Taking calculated, intelligent risks removes much of the fear. Start with small risks that result in small victories and build up to bigger successes. This will help you overcome your fears and replace them with the thrill of accomplishment that will become habit forming. There's nothing quite like the satisfaction and joy that comes from making plans, following through and taking action, and achieving your objectives. Becoming more comfortable with risk is an important step towards making this happen.

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

'Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people don't. They sit in front of the telly and treat life as if it goes on forever.' – Philip Andrew Adams

You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!

'You have to risk going too far to discover just how far you can really go.' – T.S.Eliot

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: You Can Minimise Risk

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: You Can Minimise Risk

There is a big difference between blind risk and calculated risk. Research can take a lot of the fear out of risk taking. If we take the time to look into and weigh up the relevant facts, we can turn blind risk into calculated risk.
You also have to know the costs involved in any action you are considering taking, be they time or financial costs, so you are prepared for the outcome of your decision.

You should also have an action plan and be prepared for the unexpected. Things seldom go exactly as planned so you should be prepared in order to minimise loss. You should also have an exit strategy in case the worst happens.
If you take these steps you are not gambling, but taking intelligent, calculated risks.

To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

'The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.' – Leo F. Buscagia

You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: We Grow By Taking Risks

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: We Grow By Taking Risks

Life is full of risks. When we are children it's a risk to stop lying around and learning to crawl. Learning to walk is an even bigger risk. What about your first day at school, or the when you tried out for your first sports team, or went on your first date? There's no doubt its all scary stuff – at least at the time.

But kids are very often much better at taking risks than adults – have you ever seen young kids skiing for the first time? They seem to easily pick it up and in no time at all they're racing around the slopes like experts. First time adult skiers generally take much longer to feel and look confident. This may well be because they fear hurting themselves and most kids don't even think about it, or because adults generally don't learn new things as easily as children.

The simple reality is that we need to take risks to grow as people. Anyone who is completely unprepared to take any risks is almost certainly not living anywhere near as fulfilling a life as they could be. In fact most of us could benefit by reassessing our attitude towards risk.

I'm not suggesting here that you should suddenly take up parachute jumping or invest your lifesavings on the stock market.

To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

'Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.' – Andre Gide

You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Risk and Change Can Be Scary

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Risk and Change Can Be Scary

But what about risk taking in our daily lives? I think most of us aren't great at taking risks. This is because many of us are quite comfortable with our lives, even if we aren't necessarily happy with where we are. It's a natural human trait to be adverse to change. Most of us like, or at least feel comfortable with, what is most familiar to us. It may not be what we really want, but it's much easier than making the effort to try something new, unfamiliar and potentially risky.

For some people this is a gross understatement, change completely terrifies them, or all but brings them out in a cold sweat!

Most of us don't want to take risks. We don't want to put our health, our money, our relationships, our self esteem, or anything else at risk. However, the reality is that if we want to grow and develop as people we must take risks.

To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

'You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen.' – Paul Coelho

You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Is It Worth The Risk?

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Is It Worth The Risk?

How much of a gambler are you? I'm not talking about how much time or money you spend following the horses, or the bets you may have on you favourite football team every week. What I'm talking about here is how you tend to think about risk and taking chances generally.

Some people love taking risks and the thrill of venturing into the unknown. This doesn't mean they don't fear losing or failing. To stay with the literal form of gambling, many will be devastated to have to tear up their betting slips and think about what they've just lost. But that doesn't mean that they won't do it all again next week, or even sooner. For many gamblers it's the adrenalin rush they're most attracted to, the buzz and excitement that lifts them above their everyday lives.

A lot of people hope they'll have that big win that will change their lives. This is the case for many who buy lottery or pools tickets. This is not really gambling or risk taking, more a case of good marketing convincing us that our lives can be changed for a meagre investment. And it's true, lives can and will be changed, someone has to win. The fact that there's better odds of us being struck by lightning, or being eaten by a shark (probably even if you live in a landlocked country or state) than winning, isn't going to stop people from buying in their droves.

To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

'He who risks and fails can be forgiven. He who never risks and never fails is a failure in his whole being.' – Paul Tilich

You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Don’t Be a Prisoner of your Past

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Don’t Be a Prisoner of your Past

Some people become so entrenched in the past that it prevents them from ever making any real progress and experiencing the things they want from life. They can't help thinking back and it stops them from moving forward.

Past setbacks can stop us from trying new things due to fear. We don't make plans or take risks because don't want to experience pain.

We've all made mistakes and most of us have some regrets. However, we can't let ourselves be prisoners of the past. We can and should learn from everything we experience, particularly our mistakes, but we must move on and keep looking forward.
To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

“You can never plan the future by the past.” – Edmund Burke

You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!

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