Thursday, January 12, 2006

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Leaving London In Chaos!

The week that I left London turned out to be not only a one of the most eventful weeks of my life, but also in the was one of the most eventful weeks London has seen for some time, and that really is saying something.

There was the massive Live 8 concert in Hyde Park, as well as several major international sporting events on the Saturday; the jubilation following the announcement of London’s winning bid for the 2012 Olympics on the Wednesday; then the tragic events of the bombings on the Thursday.

That Thursday, the 7th of July, was the day I was scheduled to leave London. Given the chaos that followed the bombings it was actually a miracle I managed to get out at all that day.

Any inconvenience I experienced isn’t even worth mentioning when you think about the devastating effects the events of that day, and the further bombings 2 weeks later, had on the victims, their families and so many other people.

We also shouldn’t forget that these sorts of things happen on an almost daily basis in many other parts of the world. It’s so sad to think that there are so many people in the world who feel driven to take such extreme actions.

The G8 concerts also focussed our minds on the desperate situation that millions of people around the world are in, and its almost unbelievable to think that given the knowledge and wealth in the modern world that anyone should still have to suffer in this way.

It should also help to put our individual lives into some sort of perspective.

There’s no doubt we all have our problems and challenges, but we are overall the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated people that have ever lived. We have access to an unbelievable range of goods and services that would have been unimaginable a generation ago, let alone several generations ago. But even today we are in the minority as a large proportion of people in the world still live in poverty and/or without basic human needs that we take for granted.

More tomorrow…….

Click here for a great selection of Self Improvement Resources that can help to make 2006 your best year ever and to claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Reflections on 2005 and Looking Forward (cont)

As if we didn’t have more than enough to be getting on with, almost as soon as I arrived in Ireland we bought a new house which wasn’t even quite finished, and we had to deal with details relating to the finishing of the house, moving in, decorating, and selling Kate’s old house etc etc.

I’ve now been living in Ireland six months and I’m enjoying married life but still getting used to not being in a city. It’s quite a change as I’ve always lived in cities, having grown up in Sydney and lived in London for many years.

I do miss the pace of London and the amount of choice you have when it comes to entertainment, eating out and things to do. It’s not that there’s any shortage of things to do here, it’s more that they are very different things, mostly involving outdoor activities. I’m certainly not as bad as some people I know who have a panic attack if surrounded by too much green space for too long, or if they can’t easily hail a taxi, but I’m definitely a city dweller by nature.

It's certainly different, but I am enjoying it and think I’m doing ok, although I doubt that I’ll ever feel inclined to do the full number and become a farmer or a country gentleman!

To be Continued……

Click here for a great selection of Self Improvement Resources that can help to make 2006 your best year ever and to claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Reflections on 2005 and Looking Forward

Very best (if somewhat belated) wishes to all our readers for a happy and prosperous New Year! As this is our first posting of 2006 this is the obvious time to reflect on the last year as well as look forward to the coming 12 months and beyond.

For me, 2005 was one of the most eventful years I’ve had for some time as it involved some major changes in my life.

Firstly, I married to my long time girlfriend, Kate, which brought about the other major change in my life - I moved from central London where I had lived for many years to a town in rural Ireland.

Kate is Irish and had lived with me in London for some time before moving back to Ireland, and the plan was that I would move here when I finished sorting out various things I had to deal with in London.

After several extremely hectic months, I finally arrived in July, and the next couple of months were no quieter, as we had the lead-up to the wedding – Kate had most things in hand but there was still plenty to do - the wedding itself, with friends and relatives coming from various parts of the world, and the honeymoon.

There was also no shortage of hiccups along the way, mainly from my family in Australia. Kate’s father was also ill at the time (thankfully he's fine now), but we got there eventually and had a great day.

More tomorrow…..

Click here for a great selection of Self Improvement Resources that can help to make 2006 your best year ever and to claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH!