Monday, March 31, 2008

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Are You Doing This?

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Are You Doing This?

All personal development experts agree that setting goals and making plans for their achievement are essential ingredients for success. There is also plenty of evidence that people who set goals and write them down are dramatically more likely to achieve success than those who never follow this practice.

There also as many different ways people set and work on their goals. And people will have differing experiences and degrees of success with setting and achieving goals. I know I have.

Whatever your experiences to date, setting goals and making plan is one of the most fundamental ways to ensure you live your life in the way you find most satisfying, rewarding and enjoyable. If you don’t design your life the way you want it to be you can all too easily end up with what you don’t want, or just drifting along with no direction.

To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

'Choice, not circumstances, determines your success.' Anonymous

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Taking Stock

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: Taking Stock

Most successful people will from time to time stop and take stock of the direction their life is heading and think about how and where they want their lives to head next.

This can take many different forms. Many successful people will have detailed written monthly, yearly, 5 yearly, ten yearly or even longer plans they are constantly working on, tweaking and rewriting as circumstances change.

Other people may never write anything down but feel they can keep their plans in their head. How often this happens also varies enormously from person to person. Some people may only do this once a year, or even every few years. Other people may do it 2 or 3 times a year, while other will do it monthly or even weekly.

To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

‘Health, happiness and success depend upon the fighting spirit of each person. The big thing is not what happens to us in life - but what we do about what happens to us.’ - George Allen

You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: The Law of Reciprocity

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: The Law of Reciprocity

The Law of Reciprocity states that when you give something to another person you can expect to receive something back in one form or another, and that people will feel obliged to reciprocate for gifts or actions received.

However, we all gain so much more from giving freely and generously of ourselves with no expectation of anything in return.

Giving can do many, many things.

Giving creates human dignity, changes lives and opens the soul.

Giving simply brings more meaning, fulfilment and happiness to our lives.

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

‘There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life -- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind -- are always attained by giving them to someone else.’ – Peyton Conway March

You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: The Giver Usually Gets More Than the Receiver

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: The Giver Usually Gets More Than the Receiver

In the giving of gifts, it is very often the giver who gets more pleasure than the receiver. And some of the very best gifts are intangible and cost nothing.

These are gifts like strength, courage, service, value, love, listening, vision, purpose, belief, education, friendship, forgiveness, faith and our time.

These are the sort of gifts that multiply and grow, and the more you give these gifts to others the more you grow and develop as a person, and the more you have to give. And the more you will feel you are receiving in return.

Smiling is one of the best examples of this. A smile is one of the greatest gifts you can give anyone, and we all know how good it feels to smile. Smiling can instantly change our mood, as well as relieving stress, releasing endorphins that act as natural painkillers, and even lower our blood pressure and boost our immune systems.

Best of all, smiling is contagious. A smile can light up a room and make other people smile which will change their mood and make them feel better too. Smiling, like many other small, selfless acts, may not change the world, but it can definitely help to brings joy and happiness to others.

To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

‘It is every man's obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it.’ Albert Einstein

You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!

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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: More Great Reasons For Giving

Self Improvement Tip of the Day: More Great Reasons For Giving

Spirituality and Karma are also very good reasons for giving selflessly. You’ve probably heard of the term ‘the kindness of strangers’. In today’s fast paced world it’s all too easy to be cynical and to expect nothing from other people, least of all strangers. However, most of us will at some time have done something to help someone with absolutely no expectation of our actions being reciprocated, or have received the same sort of treatment from another person.

Karma can be described as the sum of all that we have ever done, are now doing and will continue to do. Karma is about how our deeds and actions actively create our past, present and future experiences, thus making us responsible for our own lives, and the impact and effect that the way we live our lives has on other people.

Being a generous person and giving freely of yourself without expecting anything in return is the best way to ensure that you will get much more in return than you could expect. However, it’s not always easy to see it happening because what comes back to us usually comes from completely different people and in completely different forms and ways.

This is one of those things that cannot be easily explained.

To be continued….

Self Improvement Quote of the Day:

‘No one has ever become poor by giving.’ – Anne Frank

You can claim a FREE copy of Napoleon Hill’s classic THINK AND GROW RICH here and click here to Discover the Best Success and Self Improvement Resources on the internet!

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